Sandra is a biologist by heart and by training. Over the course of her career, she has developed a keen interest for fisheries and multi-stakeholder collaboration.
Sandra has worked for NGOs, educational institutions, and the UN. As consultant she has worked with government agencies, and the private sector - from fishermen (and women) associations to large retailers such as WaltMart. For UNDP, she established the first Fishery Platform, an innovative multi-stakeholder process to improve sustainable fishery in Costa Rica. For WWF, she managed a collaborative, multi-country initiative to mitigate the impact of coastal fisheries on sea turtles which has been lauded for its outstanding results. Sandra is an auditor for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessments and advises on topics such as marine spatial planning, fisheries improvement projects and on the implementation of the FAO Port State Measures Agreement.
She is part of WoMen+Sea because she is keen to enhance the role of women in fishery supply chains and fishing management decision process.
When she is not working, Sandra enjoys spending time in nature and visiting local fish and seafood markets.